Walking Group
We find interesting locations for each walk, meet at the beginning of our walk and walk, stroll, ramble for approximately one hour. At the end of the walk we find a cafe for refreshing the mind and the soul!
- When: 2nd and 4th Friday 9.30am
- Where: Various local locations
- Convenor: Merryn Rose, 021 0415714, merryndennis@gmail.com
Have you ever wondered where your forebears came from? What they did for a living? Even, who are they? The Genealogy Group helps members answer those questions and also share their stories. Genealogy is about so much more than dry lists of names, dates of birth and death. It’s about your ancestors’ stories, about social history and about who we are. There are no family secrets anymore. With technology and the resources now available online, they simply wait for you to spend time learning how to uncover them. The Genealogy Group helps its members
When: 1st Friday 10am
Where: Homes + field trips
Convenor: Michael Littlewood, 021 677 160, 520 0367, michaelr.littlewood@gmail.com
Current Affairs
Earth Science
Earth Science is the field of study concerned with the solid earth, its waters and the air that envelops it (Britannica website). It includes Geology, Oceanology, Meteorology, Astronomy. The Earth Science group is made up of keen learners, a few have a lot of knowledge, but most do not, but all want to gain a better understanding of the world we live in and how it functions. We are on a journey of discovery together, at this stage of our lives and it is most enjoyable and satisfying
When: 3rd Wednesday 2pm
Where: Edmund Hillary Retirement Village + field trips
Convenors: Karen Yates, 021 770 559, karenay@xtra.co.nz. Ian Marshall, 021 773 217, ecoian@gmail.com
A4 Arts, Artists, Architecture and Antiques
Our group enjoys presentations from members and their fascination, passion and knowledge grow our knowledge and appreciation. Recent member presentations included talks on Hundertwasser, medieval iconography and Robin White. Visits included the Auckland Art Gallery ‘Light from the Tate’ and a fascinating visit to the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple in South Auckland. We cover a wide range of topics under the umbrella of art with lively discussions, view DVDS and visit galleries.
When: 2nd Tuesday 10am
Where: Grace Joel Retirement Village, 184 St Heliers Bay Road + gallery visits
Convenor: Mary Gray, 021 230 5405, marygraykiwi@gmail.com