Chris Pilone is our March speaker. He has asked that we poll members for topics of a sporting nature which they would like him to address.

He is an experienced coach of tri-athletes. He has coached four New Zealand Olympians (Hamish Carter, Nathan Richmond, Kris Gemmell, 2012 and Ryan Sissons.) He coached Hamish Carter to Olympic gold in 2004. He also coached Nikki Hamblin, one of NZ’s best middle-distance athletes.

He is a former distance runner with a 2.16hrs marathon PB. His best for 10km is 29.32min and for 5km, 14.07min. During the mid-1980s he trained with the likes of John Walker, Dick Quax and Peter Pfitzinger.

Chris has been a professional coach since 1997. As well as being a successful triathlon coach, he is also a very successful running coach. Of men he has coached a 2.12hr marathon runner, a 13.32min 5km runner and a 3.38min 1500m runner. Of women he has coached a 4.05min 1500m runner and a 1.59min 800m runner. At longer distances a 32.41min 10km runner and a 73.08min half-marathon runner.

He is now a keen cyclist and recreational fisherman. Chris is an excellent raconteur and can talk knowledgably about nearly every aspect of sport: e.g. elite training camps, stories of NZ international athletic success, drug testing, recognising potential in young athletes, differences in training needs of male and female athletes, and many more.

Please let John Malcolmson know what topics you would most like Chris to address. Contact John: email or Tel 021 499581 or 09 535 8919.

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