David Smith FPSNZ is an avid amateur photographer. David talks about his love of photography linking to his love of travel. ‘I’m a traveller at heart and most of my photography is ’on the road’. I set off from home as a tourist but soon become immersed in the life around me. Inevitably I am changed forever by the warmth and hospitality of the people I meet along the way, their rich history and culture and the wonderful places where they live. It seems entirely natural to me that I would want to tell stories about their daily lives.’

David has won numerous awards and honours for his photography including in 2018 being awarded Fellowship Honours by the PSNZ. In 2019 he gained PSNZ accreditation as a judge, and that year also contributed prints to the Chinese government’s 70th anniversary exhibition in Wellington. David was also awarded two trophies for photojournalism at NATEX. He has participated on various photographic judging panels including as a panel judge in the First International Salon Fortuna Digital Circuit 2021. We look forward to David’s presentation about the art of photography.

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